Grey on Grey

After all the drama of Sunrise and Dusk discussed recently, here is a more muted subject. Now we turn to those foggy days when it seems a wiser move to stay indoors. In fact mist can be your friend, obscuring unpleasant backgrounds and adding depth to an image. I know I've been here in this blog before, but I thought I would show some more examples...

Here's an oddity in a field. The housing estate in the background has almost completely vanished. The oddity is in fact a marker for the secret GPSS fuel pipeline that runs along the A4, installed before WW2 as a method of moving fuel from Bristol to Aldermaston airfield.

Here I have combined dusk with low cloud to add atmosphere to this end of the day riding session. The floodlight beams add a little depth to the composition as well. This shot required considerable exposure compensation to get the dark look I wanted.

The boating pond. I caught this view one cold and still January morning. We are right next to the Kennet and Avon canal, and a favourite spot for mist on cold days. In this case it has softened the town buidings across the canal and isolated the intended subject somewhat.

So there you go, mist and fog can be the photographer's friend...


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