Falling down

I managed to fall down the stairs at work last night. I suspect I was attempting to carry too much in one trip. Maybe this is a lesson, and I should reduce the gear I take  to work* (E620 camera body, three lenses, spare batteries and cards, rucksack with laptop, walking boots).

So - one sprained ankle later I am confined to the house today.  Driving home was painful, but at least nothing is broken, because I checked the camera and the laptop. Here, as light relief is one of the pair of pictures I kept from yesterday.

The horse spotted me across the paddock and was clearly attempting to draw attention to itself...

*Maybe this fall was a sign. I should clearly buy an Olympus E-PL2, EVF and adapter for my  4/3rds Zuiko lenses. Think how much weight and bulk it would save. Plausible excuse, no?


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