1000 memories

It is a difficult thing, clearing a house when a close relative dies. It is difficult deciding what to keep and what to discard. You can't keep it all and you end up throwing away someone else's memories.

These are some of my Mum's pictures waiting to go to the tip.

In the future this will be easier. In the future our pictures won't be prints or slides like these above. The thousand memories will simply be files that can be dragged to the bin in a single click of the mouse.


  1. That's an incredibly sad picture ... are you sure you are not throwing something valuable away? (That might not be obvious to you now) Getting them all digitised is cheap and easy and might be worth it to future generations.

  2. Yes, it is evocative - especialy if you are a photographer! Fear not, I've gone through them all carefully ...

  3. Tough call man. Was this recent? Sorry to hear about it...

  4. A sad time indeed Pete

    It takes a special person to generate something of quality like this posting from such sorrow.

    Your Mom would, I am sure, have been proud of the creative and insightful person you have become.

    I have to admit I've started to think of slide boxes and film cannisters as a valiable resource because of the other uses I've found for them over the years



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