Quality Glass

I do like my pictures to be sharp. I am a confirmed pixel peeper, where I wind up an image to maximum magnification to check if it passes my criteria. Sometimes I find self induced blur in my images, camera shake, or mis-focussing, but I that's OK. That is my fault, not the fault of the lens.

BTW, if you want to learn all about lens performance, this is a good web site.

So, some folks refer to a bad lens as being "like a jam jar" to describe poor performance... Let's just check what jam jar optics are like..

Oh dear, that really isn't very good. Clearly Zuiko optics are going to have to perform a lot better than that. 

Fortunately they do: Here is a picture taken with the Zuiko 50mm macro/short tele lens. This is just such a sharp lens. Even when peeped at, these pixels are close to perfect.

Well done Olympus, you make Quality Glass. So: don't walk away from your loyal 4/3 camera owners, replace the excellent E620 with something newer....


  1. Ha, love this image of the jam-jar with film strips behind!.Excellent


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