A light dusting

Yet more Arctic air was funnelled down unsuspecting Britain this week. I caught some moments of sunshine on the farm in between the dense grey clouds of snow. So far it has been a decorative dusting. Further north and west it seems to be much worse. 

I fear there will be the usual transport mayhem. I do wonder if Britain tries to do so much internationally that there is no money left to spend at home...

Anyway, politics apart, let's see the pictures. This is the farm lane, the subject of previous posts and part of an observational thread on the UK Olympus users forum. This is a contre-jour shot (straight into the sun) but as is the generally accepted method, I have hidden the sun behind a tree trunk. This maintains the look of the picture but reduces lens flare.

Thin snow but very cold even at lunchtime. There's not much sign of life, just the restless rooks in the tops of the trees.

It may be boring stuck in a stable, though I bet its warmer than spending the day outside. Horses seem to be individual in nature. Some are happier in a stable, some go odd unless they are left in a paddock. Some need company or they panic, whereas some are happy alone.

The corner of the 18th century barn our company rents, with the church and churchyard behind.


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