Real or Fake part 2

Well, after the fakes, here we have some genuine articles...

This splendid stone Victorian  school used to stand just off Queens Rd in Halifax. It was still there thirteen years ago when I took this picture. I believe it has been demolished to make way for houses. Its interesting how many old and derelict buildings survive in Calderdale. Even when the roof falls in, tho old thick stone walls refuse to fall down. Stone is plentiful up on the Pennines, so no one wants the expense of demolishing the old buildings for the materials. Furthermore, I suspect the land value is not high, so they are left standing for decades.

Down south the story goes like this. Lone pensioner dies in small detached bungalow. Bungalow vanishes together with all the trees and hedges. After 9 months of building, and jammed into the  site, a whole new street of tiny detached houses appear with no gardens. That's progress for you.


Here is something else old and genuine. The fantastic steps to the choir school, near the Vicar's close at Wells Cathedral. Just look how those steps have worn over time, almost to the point of vanishing. I have a feeling that someone from the Health and Safety will have them removed  one day and refurbished with a modern long lasting material. Shame....

Speaking of the Vicar's close at Wells Cathedral., here is a view of these splendid houses. This claims to be the oldest inhabited street in Europe. Laid out in the 14th century and still used today.

Now, here is an original door from the town of Omodos in Cyprus (see previous post) Now this is what the village would have looked before they gave it a makeover. I think I prefer this, because it has so much character. :-)


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