
Turn it up to Eleven, its January.

Three years ago this month I bought my 11-22mm wide zoom from a member of the UK e-group forum. What a great lens it has been, wonderfully wide and free from corner vignetting faults.

Here is an early skyscape I took using it at the 11mm end. This is dawn, January 2008 and the first week I had the lens.

This is a year later. Here is a moody shot from January 2009, on the way to work and taken straight into the sun through the mist. I am well pleased with the lack of lens flare in this. It was taken at the 11mm end of the zoom range.

Another year. Here's a floodlit Saxon church. I took this one foggy evening after work in January 2010. This also uses the 11mm end of the zoom.

Finally, from just last night, a pleasing tree and dusk shot, once again using this lens at its widest end, 11mm. 

Do you see where this leads us? Yes, I am an incurable wide boy and if I always use this zoom lens at 11mm, why bother buying a zoom at all? Good question. I suppose the answer is "just in case"...

PS, It's also good at the 22mm end as well, I just forget it can do that as well..


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