
I have had a good moan recently. I feel I'm on a roll, so here 's another one:

There are certain commonly used words that get my goat because (to me at least) they seem to be misused. Lets start with this Stunning sunset. Surely that which stuns is an experience so extreme it causes unconsciousness. Is that really what happened when I saw this scene. I don't recall passing out. So down with "stunning" as a word used to describe things that are in fact quite nice.

I will admit it was quite nice to watch the sun sink into the low cloud behind this screen of bare trees. That's why I took a picture of it :-)

What about this Awesome view? A colleague who has an ear for these things once reported a most inappropriate use of "awesome" overheard in a department store. "Hey, come and look at this awesome soap dish" Can a soap dish truly create awe in the mind of the beholder? If  so, they should get out more.

This rather nice picture was taken during the recent cold snap whan all our local trees were covered with the results of a whole week of freezing fog.

By the way. Both of these pictures seem a bit fussy to me and fly in the face of my stated aim of less is more. Sometimes you just have to photograph what you see. Awesome.

One last moan. The word "Commentator". These are not people in the media that "commentate", they comment - so they should be called Commentors.

There. I feel better now. :-)


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