Reach for the Skies

Do you look up? Apparently the appreciation of architecture is the art of looking up... but I digress. I do like a good sky. If I can find an excuse to grab the wide angle lens and include a great sky in a picture, then I will do it.

Here are some examples if sky from the past few years that caught my eye at the time. This first one is St Michael's mount in Cornwall about seven years ago, back in my film days. The sun was behind a layer of thin cloud so I felt it would be safe to put it in the shot. Catching a seagull at the same time was a nice bonus.

This spectacular sunset and sky was taken in west Cyprus a year or two later. They do get fantastic sunsets over there, but they are over in a moment, so if you see it you need to capture it straight away. I kept the hotel swimming pool in the shot to add a balancing reflection of the clouds.

This one is rather more up to date, and is a late summer evening sky taken at the harbour at Oban, Scotland. By contrast, the sunsets and evenings can be very long there, and you can get some wonderful lighting late in the day.

This final image is from this week. Beech trees loom over the farm track on my lunchtime photo trek, combined with a random mixture of clouds and blue sky.


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