Is less more?

My watchword when composing a picture is always "what can I leave out?". This maxim reminds me to look round the viewfinder carefully before that fateful shutter press. So, we must ask ourselves "Is less more", and can we take minimalism too far....

On holiday in Cyprus

Here we are on the beach near Polis. I could show you a picture of the sand and the sea, but that would just be another sea and sand picture. I could show you a nice sunset over the Akemas peninsula (and I may well do that one day) but that's just another sunset. So, how do I give you a flavour of a Mediterranean holiday? This is my best shot: Sun, sky, sunshade. It doesn't matter where it was, it was clearly a very nice day :-)

A Midsummer night

This was taken on the longest day very late at night. This is a time of year I love a great deal, but we pay for it dearly. All those lovely late evenings must be paid for in November and December. I wanted to show the dusk and the trees and the luxurious feeling of a nice long day. As always there is some exposure compensation needed to get the trees in silhouette. Sky, trees,  plenty of black, nothing else.

Out of line 

A windbreak near Weymouth.  I'm sure the two halves of the circle should line up, but they don't Perhaps its a metaphor dealing with the human condition. Perhaps its just a picture of a hole...

Winter evening

Snow, ice, dusk. All conventional elements, but what about a close up of an icicle with dusk in the background....

Finally, just a smile really..


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