Image Impact

Sometimes all you need from an image is impact. Maybe you see the possibilities as you pass by and take the opportunity to grab the picture. Sometimes the image has to be created.

By the way, all these images are from film at least a decade ago.

This first image is the yacht club at Herne Bay. It was a winter sunset, very windy and cold. I liked those masts against the sky so I used a wide angle lens to emphasise the look.

Here's another one that was just waiting for me when I looked out of a hotel window in Richmond. Strictly, I was there in the Dales on a landscape photography course, but this old style urban skyline was too good to miss.

However, this next image was engineered and created with black background and bounced flash. It took many attempts to get the curl of smoke just right. No instant review on the rear screen in those days!

This last image was also created. I spotted a group of lads one foggy Guy Fawkes night standing around their bonfire. I am not afraid of the dark, so I went over and got them to pose facing the fire. I think it was a bonfire - not someone else's burning BMW....


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