
Framing a picture (and I don't mean placing it behind glass surrounded by a wood edging) is method used to draw the viewer into the scene or concentrate the eye on a particular part of the image. Looking through my archive I see its a technique I use occasionally, though not as often as I thought. Perhaps I reject many of my attempts at image framing.. As usual, you can click the image to see the larger version.

So here are some pictures where I have included a surround in order to get this effect: This is under the bridge at Avignon. The arch is intended to frame the view of the river.

The north coast of Cornwall in winter. The sea has somehow cut a narrow notch in this cliff affording the viewer a glimpse of the beach beyond.I waited until the distant couple came into view to give a sense of scale.

A barbers shop in Nicosia, Cyprus, quite near the green line. All the buildings are semi derelict in that area and I was surprised to find this man plying his trade. The wall frames the point of interest, and there is just enough sign writing to hint at the location.

And finally, a classic through the keyhole shot of the village church. This is a simple shot, but it did require a very low angle. Fortunately the Olympus camera I was using has a Live View rear screen to save ones ageing back.


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