The Street Party

Well, as I reported earlier, the whole nation took a day off yesterday. I suspect a lot of us just sat in front of the TV, while others headed away from the commotion and ignored it all. Some of us had street parties...

Now the Street Party is a strange and infrequent thing in reserved British society. I don't remember going to one before, and it smacks a little of Empire and flag waving. 

It is the sort of thing we used to do, but now seems rather quaint and at odds with the twenty first century.

However, once the idea takes root and you get enough people involved (about eighty percent of our little street) then it works out well. We didn't quite have the jelly, cake and Union Jack street party from the 1950s, but we did get ourselves proper trestle tables and a real Silver Band.

A nice tight focus shot of a  valve trombone.

Even though it seems a slightly odd thing to do, it worked out well, the neighbours spent more time chatting together than they would normally do in a decade, and therefore, surely it was a Good Thing :-)  Hoorah!


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