Fuji or Olympus

I was out and about at lunchtime in the unseasonably nice weather in the Hampshire village where I work. I was rather lucky to catch this picture.

You see, if you stand in exactly the right spot on a warm day, a rare atmospheric refraction produces a distant view of mount Fuji in Japan. 

Being in the right place at the right time, it was a simple task to position the blossom and produce this evocative image.



  1. I can confirm this rare photographic effect. I almost managed to photograph a herd of wildebeest in the Masai Mara charging majestically across the foothills of the Great Rift Valley from the peace of my back garden just before an unexpected flock of flying pigs swooped down and nicked me camera. For some reason, my insurance company won't cough up ...

  2. Yes I know exactly what you mean. The postman delivered my free evaluation E5 camera from Olympus last week, but the pigs swooped down and took that as well...



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