
One of the benefits of the Olympus camera range is the splendid Zuiko lenses. In this case I think their lenses are better than their DSLR camera bodies, but that's fine. I would rather have a sharp lens on a slow body than poor glass any time.

Here's a shot from their excellent 50mm f2 macro lens. So this works out looking like a 100mm short telephoto on old fashioned 35mm film. Does this shot seem reasonably sharp?

Well here's the truth. That is an unprocessed 100% crop from one corner of the original 10Mpixel shot below. That changes things. I tell you, this is one sharp lens, even Dpreview spoke of it as "close to perfect as you can get".

So, lenses are always a bit soft in the corners?? Hmm. Try a good Zuiko :-)

PS, this shot has been posted before, but I thought I would revisit the subjact with a full size crop as well..


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