
Wookey Hole to be precise. We paid this place a visit at the weekend, and what an experience it was. The car park was almost full, there was a short queue for the caves and in we went.

We had the usual spiel from the guide, not as witty as the same tour thirty years ago, but delivered with a stronger Zummerzet accent.

There are pictures to be taken down there, but you would need a tripod (forbidden) really, and the coloured lighting does no-one any favours. Off camera flash (also forbidden) would help. It was atmospheric and impressive as always, but I don't think I need to see it again now. Anyway here's the obligatory cave shot.

So, if the cave was fairly empty, were was everyone? We found out when we came out: We got lost and ended up in School Holiday Hell. The have lots of amusement rooms full of kids, and we must have stumbled through them all before we came across the way out.

On the up side, they had this unrestored Austin Seven there. 

After all this we repaired to Wells for a pleasant walk, a beer and a meal. Mmm. Lovely.


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