
Greetings dear reader!

Well, we are back from a week in Bedfordshire and I've started the photo blog once more.  So without more ado, here is my first Bedford for you to peruse: Isn't it splendid?

Yes, we've had a week away in Cyprus, staying at Polis near the Akemas Peninsular. We do like Cyprus, its quite Brit friendly, and nice and quiet at the West end of the island. 

There's a lot of British history attached to Cyprus - quite how the locals view it is another matter, because it was only after a long struggle through the fifties and sixties, they finally gained their independance from us.

The colonial legacy that remains includes 13A mains plugs, driving on the left, and rather more old Bedfords than you see here in the UK. They will rust away eventually, but they take some time about it.

This is a splendid Bedford coach from the late fifties I guess. It may well be a Bedford J truck converted to a coach because the bodywork seems a bit strange in places. I love the roof rack by the way. Nice touch...

From a previous trip (we have been to Cyprus five times now) here are two Bedfords that appeared to be still in use 5 years ago...

More on Bedfordshire tomorrow.


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