
Here's an image that poses questions.

Posing questions is a good thing, photographically. Images that pose questions get the viewer involved and interested.

In this case we are teased by the darkened lane and the hint of sunlit countryside framed by the trees. Where does this lane lead? What are those blue remembered hills like? What is round the corner and exactly what purpose does the minimal gate serve? Why am I standing in a puddle?

It can't be there to keep the sheep in, there are no fences.

Draw your audience in: Pose questions.


  1. Good question. You're standing in a puddle because you're a photographer. That's what we do. Suffer for our art. Good job your team of assistants, PR manager and lifestyle guru were there alongside the white Range Rover to help clean you up and drag you out of that quagmire. The TV crew following your work for Channel Four can find their own way out. But I think the shot was worth the effort. Can't wait to see the resulting six part series investigating the angst of the unknown artist. My turn next week, but don't tell anyone.

  2. Ah, do I detect the hand of another enthusiastic but downtrodden picture snapper.. Alas, no backup team, no assistant. Some days, no spare battery even.


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