Better Pictures 4

Finally we come to the photographer's standard bag of tricks. Reach for the usual cliche, and it may well save the day.

If you can't work out what to do with an image that almost works, convert it to monochrome or even Sepia tint. This generally adds gravitas or nostalgia to the picture. Put on your serious arty look and nod your head, and everyone will beat a path to your door.

Switch off the camera flash and buy a tripod if needed. Use the available light, no matter how dark. I note that none of my cameras have built in flashes. That's fine by me...

Open that lens up and use narrow depth of field to make your point:

 Get out that wide angle and stretch that perspective:

Don't be put off by bad weather. 

Sometimes a little mist can make an ordinary scene extraordinary. This last shot has a bit of everything: A dark and moody shot on a misty day with a wide angle lens converted to black and white. Lovely!


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