
The International Rules of Composition regulate both photography and painting. You must be aware of these rules when you pick up your camera in case you infringe someone's Human Rights with a poorly composed image. Many are the artists that now languish in jails around the World having fallen foul of these little understood laws.

You may be aware of the Rule of Thirds. This states that you should reject one third of your pictures immediately. If you intend to show your images to others, then you should only retain one third of the remaining pictures. This rule was created to avoid cases of terminal boredom amongst helpless viewers.

One other rule is that of the Leading Line. Each image should tell a story if possible. It should take you on a journey, and you are led on that journey by the Leading Line in the image.

This fine example below demonstrates a splendid and sinuous Leading Line that takes you on a journey up this tidal creek at sunset near Southwold.

See how you are drawn into the image. What story is being told? Where does the story end?

(It ends just round the corner in a load of mud actually..)


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