
Here's another context picture for you. 

Walking down what passes for the village High Street I saw this fuchsia flowering by the side of the road. Now it would be a simple thing to snap a picture of the flowers and move on, but what would you have? That would just be another flower picture..

My approach involved a lot of shuffling in the hedge, some crouching down and a certain amount of risk, as traffic does use this road.

Context is important. Consider this: A picture of a Cat is just a picture of a Cat. But a picture of a Cat with the Acropolis in the background is a completely different animal.

So: You can see it was taken on a nice day with pretty thatched cottage in the background. I checked my depth of field before I took the shot: I wanted the cottage to be recognisable but still sufficiently out of focus that it didn't draw the eye away from the flowers. So it is the out of focus cottage that provides the all important context.


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