Just a Moment

Just a moment from seven years ago. I caught the walker on a Wiltshire hillside outlined against the sky. Are they composing a pocket book of poetry, inspired by the astonishing view. Or are they heads down, fiddling with their iphone like most people these days?

I wander lonely as a cloud
I feel the peace that silence brings.
Distanced from the madding crowd:
When all at once an iPhone rings..

It speaks of "recent accident"
I don't recall, I feel no pain.
But then I am reminded of -
my long lost compensation claim...

(No it can't be an iphone, it hadn't been invented then. Let's imagine it was a book of poetry shall we..)


  1. "It can't be an iphone, it hadn't been invented then"

    Not far away from it though ... "Development of the iPhone began in 2005" according to them in the Wiki world


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