
The Victorians have a lot to answer for, especially at Christmas. Take this picture: Many of the elements in this traditional scene, at the back of our church, is Victorian.
The idea of the Christmas tree, and the little tableau below it are Victorian. The romanticised Christmas figures look suspiciously Anglo Saxon, rather than Middle Eastern. This is another Victorian feature. 

In the background you can see the floor tiles and the pews they installed, items we will have great trouble removing.

Even our splendid stained glass tells it's stories with a romantic Victorian slant, think Holman Hunt Anglo Saxon look.

This church must have looked like some modernist experiment when all this new stuff was put in, and I suspect it was seen as a great improvement at the time.

Improving your church is a difficult task these days. Removing the Victorian tiles, pews and  pipe organ is now close to impossible due to various  interested parties.


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