Presteigne Condition

Here is Presteigne, mid Wales. A splendid small border town stuck in the 1960s, and it is still just how country towns used to be. We've been here before and I am much impressed with the place.

Here's the narrow High Street on a rainy day. Here you find Anne's Fruit and Veg shop, a mini supermarket, a Butcher, the Tourist Information shop and much more. It all on a human scale, the pace of life is slower. Free Parking for 20 minutes, no return within the hour.

Many of the houses are wood and stone construction, and there's lots of little corners to investigate. Even on a rainy day it has a charm of its own.

Worn out by the Christmas Shopping? Escape from the rain and have a leisurely late breakfast in The Coffee House right next to Albert Square while the world goes slowly by...


  1. Some good, evocative shot. I really get a good sense of the place, well done!.

  2. Many thanks. It was exactly the sense of place thing I was seeking...


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