
It is that time of year when the Rotary Club organises a race along the Kennet and Avon canal that finishes in Newbury. This is done for charity and is a fine thing. 

Attached to this, there is a May Day event. Here you will find all manner of diversions and activities. A small village of tents and stalls spring up like mushrooms overnight selling dubious goods to gullible punters and their children.

This is the stuff of your average Fun Fair, and we expect it: We are offered cheap tat, scary rides and suspect food spiced with the possibility of being short changed by a quick witted stallholder.

Was it ever thus? Yes, I suspect cider befuddled locals have been swindled at the village fair for generations, and that is just as it should be.. 

As you cans see, it was a vibrant and colourful affair.


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