
A cold snap, and an appropriate time for some more basic Physics theory my friends: Let us speak of the science of Thermodynamics. 

The Universe is full of cold, and when we look up on a cloudless day we can sense some of all this cold. That, obviously, is why the sky is blue.

The Cosmos spends its time trying to push all this cold onto mother Earth as she spins through space, with varying success depending on season and circumstance. 

Clearly there must be other factors at play, or we would all be frozen stiff by lunchtime. We are indeed fortunate that the Sun is determined to suck cold into itself (where it is destroyed by the solar fires). If it were not for the Sun tirelessly sucking the cold away every day, things would be dire for us, for an excess of cold causes miasmas to arise and strong men can be brought low by a flux of the vapours.

So, here we have an honest tiled roof that has been attacked by a sudden fall of cold from space. It awaits the therapeutic Solar touch which will restore it and its inhabitants to relative comfort.


  1. Something about your explanation of thermodynamics doesn't add up, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


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