
Did we really use this stuff only a decade ago?

How primitive old technology seems! How smart and clever it seemed when we first encountered it. 

As I was growing up, our camera was a box brownie. I didn't pay much attention to cameras until dad bought a Zenit 3m. This was an early metal bodied interchangeable lens SLR and it came with all sorts of problems. You had to wind the film on to put the mirror down so you could see through the viewfinder. Having cocked the shutter, the received wisdom was you shouldn't leave it like that because you would "wear the springs out". Also, to quote the user quite translated from Russin "It is forbidden to turn the shutter dial between 1/500 and 1/8"

And look. The new fangled 35mm film came in cassettes, not silly rolls with orange paper backing. You could take 36 pictures before you took the film in to the chemists in town.

Technology: Blink and you'll miss it.


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