
I won something:

I won a camera lens in an Olympus competition, probably due to my considerable awesomeness*. Here is the lens. It's a very plain and simple triplet so small you use it as the camera body cap. It's a fun lens, if you see what I mean.

So, now lets see what I can produce with this most basic of optics.

It turns out to be not too bad at all. I suspect Olympus couldn't bring themselves to market a truly bad lens and so restricted it with a fixed aperture of f8. The result is good depth of field and reasonable sharpness in the centre of the image.

Here's an example shot. This grainy monochrome image is courtesy of an art filter in my Olympus Pen camera. 

Art filters are not a feature I've ever used before, but it seems oddly appropriate with this particular lens.

*OK, I wrote a poem extolling this little plastic wonder lens.


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