The Knife

This is our bread knife.

Constructed from a single piece of stainless steel: Ground and polished, honed with scalloped edges on one side of the blade it clearly considers itself a cut above the other knives in the rack.

The problem is that the asymmetric sharp edge and the thickness of the blade means it always wants to cut round corners and it requires considerable strength of will to get nice even slices. 

Each morning turns into a test of moral fibre with this knife.

I hear its voice as I pick it up.

"Hmm. Jedi think you are? .. Disappointed will you be.."

Then, later after much metal effort and concentration I find myself surrounded by slices of bread in various states of wedge, I hear it say..

"Ready you are not, young master..."

I don't believe it. "That is why you fail"

I will not be beaten. I will learn the way.


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