Shortest Day

The only good thing about the Shortest day is that one may now claim the days are getting longer. You can hold the memory of spring in the mind as a reward for all this dark and dismal foolishness. Why we have to revert to GMT for the winter has always baffled me: Looking out of the office window at four pm to see it has already gone dark is such a depressing experience.

Winter Sunset

It is in the Winter that we pay for those longer days of the Summer. For every lovely late  Summer evening there has to be a dark drive home from work in December. BTW, my time travelling ability lets me tell you there will be a post including winter sunsets in the future.

So, what about it folks? Surely a mild readjustment of the Earth's orbit would reward us in the Northern Hemisphere with a (say) fouteen hours of sunlight averaged over the year rather than twelve. That small change would be enough to make life a lot more tolerable in the Winter. 

Let's have a go at it. After all, how hard can it be?


  1. We can just rotate the earth slightly about the horizontal plane (?) ... you know what I mean. That would get rid of the seasons too.

    I happen to like the snow though, so I shall be lobbying my MP to oppose your bill when it finally comes before parliament.

  2. :-)
    Clearly there are winners and losers when we get this Earth tilt thing going. The Southern Hemisphere will have more snow for certain. Antarctica will gain a lot more ice, this in turn will lower sea level slightly, which gives us all more land to farm. I believe its a win win plan.
    Now we just need to get everyone North of Tobruk to run in the same direction at the same time...



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