White out

It has been, frankly, just too cold to go outside in search of pictures for some time. As a result, my daily flow of blog based wisdom has dried up for a while.

So, here is a wimps picture, taken from the office window one morning. Up here on the hill it is always colder and bleaker than Newbury or Basingstoke. 

Last night's Westerly has coated the sides of the trees in snow. No one is building nests yet.

The village isn't always the coldest part round here however. If the car tells me it is -1 degrees on the farm, by the time I have driven down into the valley, it is usually showing -4 degrees. The cold air must slide down the fields into the dip. 

This probably explains things: The farms and houses are all up on the top of the hills, while no-one has ever built down in the valley.


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