Uncool coffee

A new retail estate has slowly taken shape on our edge of town. You know the sort of thing: A large car park and lots of rectangular industrial units dressed up to look like shops. To start with it was under subscribed and generally poor, bit in recent years it has filled out and become quite popular.

A sure sign of popularity is the arrival of a small Marks and Spencers store and joy of joys, this brought with it a small M+S restaurant. This is a wonderful thing, a place for a cup of tea and a sit down in amongst all the retail madness.

So what is so special about this modern tea shop?

Well. Unlike the Costa coffee place across the car park, this place is deeply uncool. No-one under 35 would dare be seen in there. As a result the service is quick, the queue is short and the list of coffees is not infinite. Just perfect for an old codger. What's betting it goes broke...


  1. Sounds good to me. Cake looks good too.

    Linda Gruchy


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